Sunday, April 22, 2012

Important To Learn Parenting

  • - The difference between authoritarian, permissive and democratic discipline. What are the effects of using each method? Is there a time to be authoritarian and a time to be permissive? Find out.
  • - The effects of bribes and rewards, and how these short-term solutions can result in worse behaviors later on—and what to do instead.
  • - What causes children to become frustrated, distracted and over-stimulated? When they are upset, you'll learn how to help them express frustration in a healthy and safe way.
  • - Fun games that melt frustrations, sibling rivalry and resistance, and how to play them with one child or many.
  • - How methods like Self-Directed Play and Play Attention Time can transform even the most defiant, distracted and upset child into the sweetheart you know is hiding inside.
  • - Five magic words and phrases used in our Connective Communication method to help your child listen, pay attention and behave.
  • - How to Set Limits that children respect and follow, without raising your voice or using punishments.
  • - What to do and what not to do during Family Meetings, with important pointers—from beginning the meeting to closing the meeting—on how to make this time so special your kids will look forward to it.
  • - Guidelines for how to use Natural Consequences, which foster clear thinking and good judgment in your child. You’ll no longer need to use harsh discipline methods.
  • - How to peer-pressure-proof your children, improve their communication and give them the best opportunities for social success in life through specific ways of relating and listening to them.
  • - What you need to know about television, video games, sugar, sleep and exercise. The balance is easier to reach than you may think.

    >>Click For Detail<<

Saturday, April 21, 2012

To Be Pareting Potentials

Parenting Potential book will display and teach you the best techniques to set your child’s disciplines. This book also identifies ways to avoid in treating the child. The target is to make them behave well based on decided values, be cooperative and create your life more manageable. On the contrary, you should avoid any technique of disciplining that even separates you from your child, makes them resent you, fear you and finally behave worse.
Reviews on Parenting Potentials book will confirm its safety and effectiveness to reach your target to discipline your child. This book will come perfectly as a solution to your child who suffers from behavior disorders such as ADD, ADHD and ODD, eating problems and bed wetting. The parenting potential guidance and tips are applicable to all child ages from babies to teenagers.
For parents who are really struggling to change your child misbehavior and eager to discipline your child that never listens to what you are saying, Parenting Potential is perfect answer for your problems. Using this book, many parents get positive outcomes for their child’s discipline problems.